Flipping Excited to offer this AMAZING Gift

Living a healthy lifestyle, to me, means taking care of yourself so that you feel amazing every day. To take care of yourself, you need to exercise, eat right, and get rest. Three seemingly easy things but we struggle to make this our reality. Why? I think we might be overcomplicating things. 

If things are easy, we have a much higher chance of actually doing it, right? 
Think about food prep. We spend time making lists and planning out all our meals, but then Wednesday rolls around and we just want to take the easy road and order a pizza or put that frozen lasagna in the oven. If we keep things simple, grab and go, and easy to act on, we can follow though. 
Our plans to live healthy need to be easy too. 

I started working out at home at an early age. I had fun keeping up with the tv fitness instructors like Denise Austin, Billy Blanks, and Richard Simmons. I got my first gym membership at 15. When I turned 16 and got my drivers license, I was only allowed to drive to three places. School, Church, and the gym. In my adult life, there was a time I had two gym memberships and was going to bootcamp every week. When I got engaged in 2009, I started doing the P90X DVDs at home. If you've ever done P90X, you know these workouts are long ranging from 45-90 minutes. 
While doing the workouts, I also learned that Beachbody, the company that makes these at-home fitness programs, also created a super dense nutrition shake called Shakeology
My Coach let me know that I could get a discount on other workouts & Shakeology, plus earn money for myself if I signed up to be a Coach. As it turned out, everything I was already doing for free (helping my friends meal plan and inviting others to workout with me), for my own enjoyment, is exactly what a coach does, so I was missing out on earning income by not being a Coach. 

After our wedding, my husband and I were still paying a membership to workout at the local gym and going every day. But we decided to start doing the Insanity workout program at home after hearing from our friends about how hard it was and the amazing results they had. After 6 weeks of committing to the program, we were amazed by our results. Especially since we didn't have to leave our home or use any equipment. We cancelled our gym memberships in 2010 and never looked back.
I stream all of my workouts from my laptop everyday. There is so much variety so you never get bored. It's like having personal trainers come over to work you out everyday. I like to compare it to Netflix. You log in and scroll through the portal choosing your genre of cardio, muscle building, stretch, low impact, or less than 30 minute workouts. I was paying $2.99 a week for this access or $36 every three months. I was happy with that and thought it was a steal to be able to access all these programs below.

Things have changed and now this deal is even sweeter. You can get Beachbody on Demand for a full year at only $99 and this is access to EVERYTHING above plus more. All the new programs like Cize, PiYo, 21 Day Fix, 21 Day Fix Extreme, Core de Force, and tons of other exclusive content from our trainers. Even beyond the workouts, you can stream a cooking show, FIXATE, that shows you great cooking tips, recipes, and how to use the color coded portion control containers for all the meals shown in the videos. 

What I'm head over heals about is the new offer that is bonkers crazy, 
I can't even believe it's real! I am so pumped up to help you SPRING into Health this year! Check this out and ACT.  You are crazy if you wait and don't take advantage of this like right now. Okay, so going back to what we need to live healthy. Exercise and Nutrition.

For your FITNESS get 12 months of All-Access to Beachbody on Demand that gives you over 600 workouts, all proven to work, and with enough variety for anyone, regardless of your fitness level. Including three brand new and upcoming programs, plus nutrition plans and calendars for every program. So you won't be left wondering where to start, the full plan is included with what workouts to do on each day and how to eat for the workouts you are doing. You will never get bored. Plus you'll have FUN trying new workouts and be able to take them with you when you travel since you can stream the workouts from an app on your phone, your tablet, laptop, Apple TV, Roku, Firestick, Fire TV, or Chromecast. Talk about flexibility. 

For Nutrition get a full month supply of Shakeology as part of the bundled deal. 
This is your secret weapon. I've been drinking Shakeology since 2009, one a day, and I know that this is why I never get sick, maintain my weight, have clear skin, strong hair, am full of energy, and impress the doctors with my number screenings. Shakeology is made from the best ingredients found all over the planet. The superfoods are all grown sustainably and the soil is even tested to ensure quality. Our food today just does not have the nutrition our bodies require. Plus the free-radicals and stress from the environment wears our bodies down. With Shakeology, this healthy meal - replacement/protein/nutrition shake gives you your whole days requirement of fruit and vegetable servings, pre and probiotics, antioxidants, adaptogens, and so much more. To truly live healthy from the inside out and feel great, you need to add Shakeology to your daily routine. IN ADDITION, you get the color coded portion control containers to measure your food. These really simplify your life and make meal planning easy.

You may have tried to lose weight with diet and exercise before. The health club industry is worth $28 Billion a year but 67% of people don't use it. Research has proven that when you have support and motivation on your journey you are more likely to succeed. I have helped hundreds of people lose weight and reach their goals with working out, eating clean, drinking Shakeology, and offering my support.
Having Fitness + Nutition + Support from me (Your Free Coach) for $160 is unbeatable. This is the best deal I have ever seen that gives you everything you need to succeed and make a change. 

If you aren't sure where to get started, have questions, or want to chat more about your goals, email me @ laura@lauraomelia.com 


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